Saturday, January 14, 2012

My decision

I am going to go on the trip. I made a commitment and I am going to keep it. Drew wants me to go and I do agree with everyone that it would be good for Drew and I to get away. We haven't gotten away together since our last Sonic trip last year so we could definitely use the time together. Drew earned this vacation and it is FREE so it only makes sense to go especially with our new budget plan we don't have the "extra" money to do stuff like this. I am excited to spend this "alone" time with Drew and see all my Sonic friends and make new friends! It will be fun to have some adult conversations.

I know Raegan will be just fine with Mike and Keri. I think one thing that bothers me is that we can't do a trial run because they live in Myrtle Beach and we live in Columbia. Now I did tell them we need to start skyping because well at least she could start to recognize their voice and face!

I will just miss her and worry about her soooo much! Which many of you said is being a good mom! I just want the best for Raegan! She deserves everything I can give and so much more! Every child deserves all you can give ( & no I'm not talking about stuff, just the inside kind of stuff ;) ).

Now I thank you for all your kind words and thoughts! Sometimes writing is just my way to vent. Probably shouldn't hit post until I've actually stopped the tears huh? Lol! But it makes the reading more entertaining no matter how pathetic I sound right? Lol!

I know people have far worse decisions/problems/situations then me in the world! But that doesn't make my pain any less! When I was growing up I use to think oh how my life sucks! Then when I would read a book (like a child called it) I realized my life wasn't as bad as I had thought. BUT now that I am a teacher I've learned that their are so many different people in the world. We ALL handle things differently.So to me my life was just like a Child Called It. I am very "blue" so what may bother me may be laughed off by say an "orange" or "green" person. Or what may bother a "green" person doesn't bother me at all! So now when i think someone is being petty i don't think to myself get over it I sympathize with them and at the very least listen. Because we all have needs and handle things differently. No matter how big or small! You have to have an understanding of ALL people and what "color" or what "DISC" they are (or whatever psychology term you want to use). We aren't all the same! That's what makes us all unique and what makes us appreciate all the different types of personalities! Having a little of all personalities makes the world a better place! For my IB readers it's what we call "balanced". ;)

So basically thanks to all who offered encouragement! That's exactly what this "blue" person needed to hear!

Have a blessed day!

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