Sunday, March 20, 2011

How we told our families that we were expecting!!!!!! :)

We came back from the DR that Monday night. We ended up not getting back to our house till 2:30 am. I was supposed to go to the work the next morning, but I was so tired and so sick I ended up not making it. I pretty much slept all day Tuesday.

Well Tuesday evening I started going through all our pics of the DR and decided to start my creation of my video to tell our families!

I just completed it when Drew walked in the door at like 10pm. So together we watched it and had tears in his eyes as he watched it together. He was so cute, and anxious to tell his family. They all live out of state. So he called his Mom, but she was still at work. So then we called his Dad. His dad was already in bed, but he woke up so he could go check his computer! What I did was send a you tube link to their emails and told them before they opened the link they had to call us!

Well, Drews Dad got right out of bed and watched it! He was sooo excited for us and kept saying "I'm going to be a grandpa!" It was cute~!

Well, after we hung up with Drew's dad on the phone, we went to bed. I guess at like midnight Drew's mom was off work and so she called us back. She watched the video with us on the phone and she loved it. She kept saying "You turkeys! I knew you were up to something!" It was funny! She was tearing up and everything! So sweet!

But needless to say everyone loved our video and it was a creative way to tell those around us! Especially those out of state! :)

Below is the video! Enjoy!

The Smallwoods are getting an addition!

Back in February......February 2-7, 2011............
Drew and I had a GREAT opportunity to take a FREE vacation thanks to Drew's hardwork and dedication at SONIC. If you did GREAT in mystery shop scores in 2010, etc you got to go on a FREE vacation for 5 nights to the Dominican Republic! Drew and I were sooooo excited to be able to go! While we were there we met a lot of great people and made a lot of friendships that I know we will keep for a life time! I will never EVER forget this vacation! Special thanks goes out to everyone who made it possible for us to go! GO IRONS!!!

So our first night there, everyone got together and was having a really good time. Because the resort that we stayed at was all-inclusive, you could eat/drink as much as you wanted (this included alcohol). Now I am not a big drinker at all, so Drew was not suprised that I wasn't drinking anything! :)

Now earlier that morning before we even left to go the airport, I took a pregnancy test.  Yes we were trying. January was our first official month of trying. When I took the test it was one of those with that shows two lines if you are pregnant. Well, it showed one line very clear, and the other one was so faint, I completely dismissed it....I packed some tests to take while in the DR (I wasn't due for my cycle, till Sunday, so I figured it was just too early to test since it was early early Wednesday morning). we all went to unpack out bags once at our resort in the Domincian that test from the early mroning kept flashing back in my mind. I kept thinking, maybe I should take another one...SOOOOOO about 4pm or so .....I took one of my tests out of my bag and took a new one. Well this test was one that clearly says "PREGNANT" or "NOT PREGNANT". So I took it....and to my surprise it said...."PREGNANT".

I couldn't believe it. I knew we were trying, but I didn't think it would happen so fast (afterall, this was our first attempt trying). I was stunned.....So that evening, I just really kept to myself... I just kind of took everyone and everything in. Thinking about WOW, I'm PREGNANT, and WOW how am I going to tell Drew....

Ever since we had talked about having kids, I always pondered, even researched ways that I would tell my sweet husband that we were going to have a baby. But when that moment finally came, I couldn't tell him. I couldn't...I couldn't find the right way to tell him....I ended up keeping it a secret to myself that first night because I really wanted it to be special when I told him.

Obviously, because I hadn't told Drew yet, I was in desperate need of talking to just so happened that I met Stefanie (that very night) who worked at another Sonic in NC and was on the trip with us. Well we both went in search of finding a computer to use on the resort, and while we were walking, Stefanie asked me "why aren't you drinking? do you not drink?" And I was like..."well....I may be...well I am pregnant"....just like that it came out my mouth....and she was like "seriously?". And I was like "yea, and your the first person to know, I just found out today. I haven't even told my husband yet!". Well needless to say, I consider Stefanie one of my dear friends now! :)

I wanted to think of some creative way to tell Drew...I still kept thinking....I remember on my plane ride to the DR, sitting next to Sutton, she told me Lisa would be a good person to think of creative ideas to tell Drew I was pregnant. So I went and found Lisa...and she gave me a few great suggestions, but I kept thinking back to my orginial idea of telling Drew through grace at one of our meals....sooo.....that's what I decided on...I would tell Drew at breakfast the next morning...

So that night I could harldy sleep. I was tossing and turning,trying to recite the exact words I would say to Drew in my head... Well morning came...I did wake up and take another pregnancy tests (the line one) just to be sure I was still pregnant, I guess, lol! Well, this time there were clearly two lines, which means YES, Jennifer YOU ARE PREGNANT! LOL!

Well, Drew and went and got our breakfast and sat down to eat together. Well, Drew normally says grace over our food. That morning, I told Drew I would do it...He looked at me like, really? And so I started saying grace...something to this affect (don't remember exact words of course, but somewhat...)

"Dear God, thank you for allowing us to take such a wonderful vacation and just have time to get away together. Thank you for my sweet husband and thank you for this food we are about to receive. And thank you God for this baby growing inside of me, AMEN"

When I opened my eyes I could see tears in Drew's eyes. We hugged each other and just began talking about how excited we were for this next step in our lives! It was truly beautiful!

So needless to say we will never forget our vacation to the DR! We got to share all the great news with everyone that was there. Word sure did spread fast among our Sonic friends, lol! We waited to tell our families till we got back from our vacation because I wanted to tell them in a creative way. I had video that I wanted to make! Which I will post about telling our families in my next post!