Thursday, January 10, 2013

sweet night!

Dear Raegan,

So Daddy was working late tonight so it was just me and you my sweet girl. After picking you up from Jordan's we went to the grocery store to get some things we needed. Every time I put a snack in the cart you would do the "more" sign. I think I made a mistake and took you shopping when you were hungry like mommy does all the time...whoops... But you were such a good girl. Patient throughout the whole store, starring down everyone that passed you and eyeing me every time I placed a new item in the shopping cart. You made me smile!

When we got home I was cooking us dinner. To hold you over I gave you blueberries in your cup. You kept bringing me your cup every few minutes so that I could give you a refill. You must have ate a quarter of the container. My little blueberry eater!

I was worried that when we ate dinner you wouldn't eat much since you had so many blueberries, but you ate two helpings of the chicken alfredo I made and a whole cup of milk. You must have been hungry my dear!

While you finished up dinner you gave mommy time to do the dishes and then we got to play together. You let me chase you around and you would stop in the middle of your run to see if I was really coming to get you and then off you would go just laughing and laughing your oh so sweet laugh. 

We sat on the floor together and we did some puzzles. You are so cute the way you set the puzzle in your lap and sit their with your feet all sticking out and working hard to complete your puzzles. Your focus makes me smile.

While sitting on the floor it was obvious you needed a diaper change. I asked you and you patted your diaper so we went to your room to change you. While I had you on the changing table you were getting antsy so I handed you a wipe to hold. You took that wipe and tried to clean your bottom...OHHHH MY!!! And yest that's TMI, but ohhh how it made me laugh out loud.

Instead of putting a new diaper on you I thought it was best to go ahead and give you a bath. I lifted you down from the changing table and you ran naked to the bathroom and stood there banging your hands on the  edge of the tub. It was sooo funny as you waited anxiously for me to put you in the tub. You played so sweetly as you always do in the tub. After I cleaned your face you took the wash cloth and clean the frog's face (our faucet cover). You then took the wash cloth and smoothed it out over the edge of the tub as if you were laying it out to dry. Such a big girl and so observant you are my dear.

After your bath, I got you dress in your pjs. Daddy called to tell us he was on the way home and that he wanted me to keep you up till he got home so he could give you love. So I sat in your glider and you took over your room. In the nightstand, you found a purple crayon and you were looking for something to write on so I found an envelope and you sat there coloring on it until daddy came home. When I heard the garage open, I said "Daddy's home" you looked at me said "daddy??" and ran out your bedroom to await your daddy at the door. It was sooo cute! Daddy played with you for a while. Y'all played chase, and he would lift you up and tickle you over and over. You were loving every minute of it. 

After a while, Daddy handed you back to me for me to rock you to sleep. You started to cry when Daddy walked away. So he came back in the room, picked you up gave you some more kisses and he handed you back to me... As soon as he did that you must have been content because you laid your head on my shoulder. We rocked for a little while with your sweet head on my shoulder. I was soaking up every minute cuddling with you!

Then I got up, sat you in your crib. You laid down. I put the blanket around you, tucking you in, then leaned down as far as I could in the crib, and kissed your forhead good night. It's probably one of my favorite memories thus far. It was the first time you ever let me do all that. Last night, was the first time you laid down and let me cover you and tuck you in, but tonight, I got so many kisses in as I tucked you in, and I loved every minute of it.

You are growing up my sweet blessing. . 

I really needed such a perfect night with you Raegan Grace. Today, I was missing you so much at work! I was so anxious to leave work. Mrs. Jordan was very sweet and text me two sweet pictures of you! It really made me feel so much better seeing your sweet face.

So thank you my sweet girl. Thank you for filling my life with so much love and joy!

I love you all the way to the moon and back forever and always!


Wednesday, January 2, 2013

end of Christmas break

Dear Raegan,

Christmas break has come and gone and when you wake up in the morning you will be off to Mrs. Jordan's to spend the day with all of your wonderful friends who I am sure that you have missed.

Mommy is really going to miss you. I'm honestly not very good at sharing you and I love having you all to myself. But I know that other's need your love and mommy's love too! :)

We have had a great break (minus your ear infection). It's been fun hearing you talk and do sooo much more. Some new words included: "trash" "sock" "bird" "dog". You also have done many new things like showing me the diaper sign, throwing your trash away, following simple commands like where's so and so, bring me your cup, bring me your milk, etc. All so very smart. You have also become very OBSESSED with Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. You would bring me the remote first thing in the morning and jump up and down and point to the TV until I turned it on. If I left the Ipad out you would become very impatint and then a huge smile would burst across your face as soon as Mickey appeared on the screen. You are definitetly obsessed. It's really cute.

It's been fun and a blessing spending the last 14 days with you. I will really miss you when I'm at work tomorrow. You are such a fun, happy, loving, and smart baby and I am sooo going to miss everything about you.

I think today you knew I was going back to work tomorrow because you gave me extra hugs and kisses today, and when I went to lay you in your crib tonight you laid your head on my shoulder and I just stood there holding you in the dark. It was precious as you babbled away with your  head on my shoulder. Every once in a while you would look up at me to see if I was acknowledging what you were talking about. It was so cute. Brought tears to my eyes. My sweet blessing. So very sweet, so very smart, so very beautiful.

I know you will have a great day tomorrow, and I sure do hope mommy does too! I am sure my students are excited to see each other and tell me all about their break!

I love you Raegan Grace all the way to the moon and back forever and always. Know that even when I am not with you, you are always in my heart and mind.

Love Mommy!

2013 New Years Resolutions

Dear Raegan,

Today I write to you because it's the FIRST day (well 2nd day by the time this entry gets posted) NEW YEAR! I cannot believe that 2013 is already here! I feel like I was just meeting 2012, and now the year is over! Sweet girl, I cannot believe how fast time flies! I just can't get over how fast it really does go by. I can remember being a kid and saying I can't wait to grow up. Once I was a grown up I couldn't wait to get a job, get married, start a family. And now that all my dreams have come true...I just wish it would slow down. You blink...and it all goes by. It's been wonderful though, truly it has. And I wouldn't change a thing about it, because it lead me right where I need to be, and that's being your mommy!

With today being a NEW YEAR, everyone normally uses this time to start New Year's Resolutions. Every year people pick goals (realistic, and sometimes even unattaiable goals) but we pick things we want to accomplish, rather losing weight, growing in their relationship with God, eating healthier, the list goes on and on.

Every year, I maybe meet half my goals. Which I actually consider a success. Based on last year's 2012 goals I met some of them.

Here's a few (I am showing these only because I do feel it's important to reflect..what's the point of making goals if you never refer to them...haha)

Blue font=2012 goals PINK font=description of met or not met goal, hehe

1)Lose 20 lbs! I want to be at least pre baby weight if not better! I pray God that I can create and stick to a diet and excersise program!

I DID MEET this goal! BUT NOT by diet and excersise! I am about 20lbs lighter  but 20 more lbs lighter than I was prebaby weight! So I lost a total of about 40 lbs!Thank you nursing Raegan!!!

2) Be the best Mommy and wife to my sweet family! God help me to be Proverbs 31 woman! Help me to be the woman my husband deserves and the mother Raegan deserves to have.

I DID MEET THIS GOAL! Not to toot my own horn, but I am a pretty awesome mommy and wife! Hehe! I could always do better, but I did a pretty good job! hehe!

3) Pay off debt. I would love to be able to be a stay at home mommy ONE DAY! It may not happen next year or the next, but I know if we can work on some of our debt we will be in a better situation to make a sound decision. I plan to read Dave Ramsey's book and create a plan with my sweet husband. Because even if I keep working, it still would be nice to pay off debt and save more! God help us to be discplined in our finanicial plans!

GOAL NOT MET! :( Sad that we didn't meet this goal. We came up with great plans for implementing this, but were unrealistic when it came to gas money, childcare, money we actually need to spend, etc. So we pretty much talked about it always, but never went into full implementation. SAD!!!!!!!!!!!

4) I pray God that I will also find a balance between home and work. I want to be the best mommy and wife in the world to my sweet family, BUT I also want to be the best teacher I can possibly be. Finding balance between the two is going to be hard for me God, so help me draw the line, and do a great job at home and at work!

MAKING PROGRESS....still lots of room for improvements

5) For years, Drew and I have said we need to create a meal plan. We always ponder over what to cook every night  and we end up wasting so much time just figuring out what to eat. I pray God that we will sit down together and actually come up with some delicious healthy meals for our family and stick to the plan.

NOT MET....yea, we did this for a week, and never stuck to it...dang it...

6) I also want to update my blog at least once a month! And make-up 3 postings from the past 3 months since Raegan has been born!

MET! I did update my blog at least once a month for 11/12 months. So although it's not a complete 100% I consider it pretty good effort so yay for me!!! :)

But like I said, I feel it's important to reflect on what you did do last year, so there's my reflection on last year's goals. Not the best, not the worse...haha!

But anyway onto this year!!!

I have been pondering for a week now what my 2013 new year's resolutions should be. When my head hit the pillow last night I was nervous. New things have me anxious. They make me nervous. It's one of my quirks. As the ball dropped last night I was actually sad that 2012 had ended. Because that meant a new year full of unknowns. My insides tightened up and I even woke your daddy as I told him all that I was feeling (after our midnight kiss of course).

And honestly it didn't even hit me till I woke up this morning (well yesterday by the time I post this blog) on what my resolutions should be this year.

I came up with ONE New Year's Resolution. One simple yet very complex goal.

Live my life with GOD as the CENTER of it!

Sounds easy doesn't it? or does it make you want to run the other way and say no way this is my life???

Well to me, it's sounds easy, but if you look at what all that entails its sounds very very complex. Sounds so unattaniable. So hard.

But as I sit here and wrote that statement on facebook this morning I think to myself if I am a Christian this is what I am suppose to do. I need to be living my life for God. Everything I do should be for Him. He should be the center of my marriage, my career, my fianciances, my friendships, my relationships, my home. I should be more holy. I should be more Christ like in all that I do. And I know this is something I will FALL short at numerous times I am sure. But I am okay with that. Because Jesus already paid the price for my sins, all I need to do is seek and ask for forgiveness.

I am a Chrisitian I have given my life to Christ, but the hard part is always letting Him be in control. So many times I have said, God I want You to do this and this, but I only want You to handle those things, I got the rest. WE are ALL guilty of this. It's so easy to do, but that's not what we should be doing. We need to let God be in control of ALL aspects of our life.

So for me this is what I think it's going to look like, well how I plan to start....And I say think because I don't know how else God will change my heart this year... so for now...this is what I think, maybe not God's plans but I am sure He will show me the way.

-I want God in the center of my home this includes my marriage and how we raise you Raegan Grace. I want you to grow in a loving godly home. I want you to see me praying, I want you to see me immersed in God's word, I want you to see your mommy making decisions that although I may be scared to make them I can be at peace in knowing that's what God wanted me to do. I want you to see me being a great mommy to you by caring for you and immersing you in God's word and raaising you in the way you should go.

Proverbs 22:6 Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it

I want you to see me being a proverbs 31 wife and loving and respecting your father. I also want you to see me giving with my money and time to others. And give God full control over our finances. We must do better and I know we can, if I truly give it to God. I want to be the best mommy to you and the best wife to your daddy. I want to be more of a PROVERBS 31 woman :)

 Proverbs 31 is sooo full of goodness, holiness...the title, scares me...yet entices me.

Proverbs 31:10-31

New International Version (NIV)
10 [a]A wife of noble character who can find?
    She is worth far more than rubies.
11 Her husband has full confidence in her
    and lacks nothing of value.
12 She brings him good, not harm,
    all the days of her life.
13 She selects wool and flax
    and works with eager hands.
14 She is like the merchant ships,
    bringing her food from afar.
15 She gets up while it is still night;
    she provides food for her family
    and portions for her female servants.
16 She considers a field and buys it;
    out of her earnings she plants a vineyard.
17 She sets about her work vigorously;
    her arms are strong for her tasks.
18 She sees that her trading is profitable,
    and her lamp does not go out at night.
19 In her hand she holds the distaff
    and grasps the spindle with her fingers.
20 She opens her arms to the poor
    and extends her hands to the needy.
21 When it snows, she has no fear for her household;
    for all of them are clothed in scarlet.
22 She makes coverings for her bed;
    she is clothed in fine linen and purple.
23 Her husband is respected at the city gate,
    where he takes his seat among the elders of the land.
24 She makes linen garments and sells them,
    and supplies the merchants with sashes.
25 She is clothed with strength and dignity;
    she can laugh at the days to come.
26 She speaks with wisdom,
    and faithful instruction is on her tongue.
27 She watches over the affairs of her household
    and does not eat the bread of idleness.
28 Her children arise and call her blessed;
    her husband also, and he praises her:
29 “Many women do noble things,
    but you surpass them all.”
30 Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting;
    but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.
31 Honor her for all that her hands have done,
    and let her works bring her praise at the city gate.

-I also want God at the center of my career as well. Every day at work we do our morning prayer and thats a start. But I need to remember to be more Godly in all that I do. In how I teach, in how I interact with my students, parents, and coworkers. And just how I set about completing and doing my work in general. I must do it all for God.

Colossians 3:23 Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men

Proverbs 16:3 Commit your work to the Lord, and your plans will be established.

-There are so many ways I want God to be at the center of my life. I am going to start with home and work for now. But I am sure as the year progresses I am going to see him at the center of much more. So please keep me in prayer as I embark on the give my control over and watch God work in my life.

Going to be hard, but it's something to strive for!

Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.

Looking forward to a great 2013 year! I hope we all have a great blessed year ahead of us!

Raegan Grace, I know I probably ventured off here and there, and may not have talked directly to you, but this is for you. I want you to know that God has plans for you too. I can't wait to see what they are my sweet child! TRUST IN HIM WITH ALL YOUR HEART AND JUST WATCH AND SEE THEM UNFOLD! I love you to the moon and back forever and always!

Love Mommy!

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

2012 blessings

WOW! I cannot believe that 2012 is coming to an end! (I started this blog entry yesterday, but was too tired to finish it, sooo yea) Crazy how time flies. I never really understood that phrase before having Raegan Grace. But boy do I understand it now. It feels like it was just last month that I gave birth to my beautiful baby girl, but here 2012 came and she is already a year old and growing and learning so much as a toddler. Here's my year in review!


Mommy returned to work after 3 months of maternity leave

Daddy was sweet enought to bring Raegan to see mommy after missing her on my first day back to work after maternity leave

you started childcare with Tracy!

She took such good care of you!

After 4 days of no bottles, you finally took your first bottle for Tracy!

4 months old and your first cereal

Sonic trip to Cancun, Mexico

you spent the week with THE Hysners! First time away from Mommy and Daddy!

you spent the week with THE Hysners! First time away from Mommy and Daddy!
First Valentine's Day

first foods: carrots!

first two bottom teeth


celebrated our 4th wedding anniversary

celebrated our 4th wedding anniversary

Daddy celebrated his 3rd year as Operating Partner of Sonic

your 1st Easter!

Raegan's 1st Easter!

Raegan's 1st Easter!

Raegan's baby dedication at church

in One month, Raegan learned to SIT UP and CRAWL at 6 months old!!!

I celebrated my 26th birthday

my niece Rebecca Lynn was born May 3
I started my FIRST daily Facebook prayer on May 21, 2012 (here's part of my draft that I posted)

Raegan's first trip to the ZOO :)

I got my braces off after wearing them for two years!

Raegan's first time in a pool and first out of state trip visiting my family in VA


Raegan's first time at the beach

Raegan's first 4th of July

Raegan's first cow appreciation outfit

Raegan learned to WALK at 9 months old! She took her first few steps a few days before this pic!

First Family Vacation to Litchfield Beach

Raegan started childcare at Mrs. Jordan's!
started my 5th year of teaching by having my sweet husband hand deliver flowers to me!


Raegan Grace turned ONE year old!

Raegan Grace turned ONE year old!

Raegan Grace turned ONE year old!


October Mom's Club! One year before, One year after :)
Raegan's first field trip to the pumpkin patch

Raegan's first trip the STATE FAIR

Raegan's 2nd Halloween!

RG first time voting at Mrs. Jordan's and she waited 3.5 hours with mommy and daddy to vote in the election!
Drew celebrated his 27th birthday!

Happy Thanksgiving!

Merry Christmas

Raegan's 2nd Christmas

*Hope you enjoyed my 2012 year in review! I know I left a lot out, but it was so hard to pick off Facebook things that happened in our life!!!