Wednesday, January 2, 2013

end of Christmas break

Dear Raegan,

Christmas break has come and gone and when you wake up in the morning you will be off to Mrs. Jordan's to spend the day with all of your wonderful friends who I am sure that you have missed.

Mommy is really going to miss you. I'm honestly not very good at sharing you and I love having you all to myself. But I know that other's need your love and mommy's love too! :)

We have had a great break (minus your ear infection). It's been fun hearing you talk and do sooo much more. Some new words included: "trash" "sock" "bird" "dog". You also have done many new things like showing me the diaper sign, throwing your trash away, following simple commands like where's so and so, bring me your cup, bring me your milk, etc. All so very smart. You have also become very OBSESSED with Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. You would bring me the remote first thing in the morning and jump up and down and point to the TV until I turned it on. If I left the Ipad out you would become very impatint and then a huge smile would burst across your face as soon as Mickey appeared on the screen. You are definitetly obsessed. It's really cute.

It's been fun and a blessing spending the last 14 days with you. I will really miss you when I'm at work tomorrow. You are such a fun, happy, loving, and smart baby and I am sooo going to miss everything about you.

I think today you knew I was going back to work tomorrow because you gave me extra hugs and kisses today, and when I went to lay you in your crib tonight you laid your head on my shoulder and I just stood there holding you in the dark. It was precious as you babbled away with your  head on my shoulder. Every once in a while you would look up at me to see if I was acknowledging what you were talking about. It was so cute. Brought tears to my eyes. My sweet blessing. So very sweet, so very smart, so very beautiful.

I know you will have a great day tomorrow, and I sure do hope mommy does too! I am sure my students are excited to see each other and tell me all about their break!

I love you Raegan Grace all the way to the moon and back forever and always. Know that even when I am not with you, you are always in my heart and mind.

Love Mommy!

1 comment:

  1. so sweet, one day she is really going to cherish these posts:)
