Thursday, April 7, 2011

Our 2nd doctor's appointment! 12 weeks 5 days! April 5th!

On Tuesday April 5th, we had our second ultra sound done! I was soooo excited to see our Baby Blessing because I knew this ultrasound would actually resemble a baby! My appointment was at 2pm and so Drew and I went to the appointment. This time the tech did the ultrasound and Baby Smallwood was moving like crazy. He/or she was waving their arms and everything! It was soooo precious to see our baby so active. If you check out the bottom pic you can see their little hand in their air! Wave at them! :) The tech was trying to get the baby to stretch out so she could measure him/her, they didn't seem to want to stretch. She kept pushing on my belly trying to get the baby to stretch out, over and over again and having me roll over. The tech then realized my bladder was full and said that is probably why the baby is not stretching. So after going to the bathroom, Baby Smallwood finally stretched out to get a good measurement! :) The heartrate was at 171this time, a little higher than the last! The tech then scheduled my next ultrasound which would be the BIG one! So May 26th at 2pm The Smallwoods will know if we are having a Baby Boy or a Baby Girl! Cant' wait for this day!!! 7 weeks from today we will find out! YAY!

I then got my weight checked and another urine sample while we waited to speak to Dr. Morton.

We saw the Dr much faster this time! :) She told us all my blood work and urine came back healthy and good from our first visit! She also said the Baby was doing great. She said my placenta was in a great condition and the Baby is right on track. She even said that when the tech measured the space by the neck to check for down syndrom that it was normal as well! :) So yay! Healthy Baby! :) So excited! She asked us if we wanted any genetic testing or anything we declined, and she reassured us that she didn't think it was necessary either! She asked me how I was doing and of course if we had any questions. We talked about May 26th which would be the big gender reveal. She told me she wanted to see me again in 4 weeks to make sure everything is okay. So my next Drs appt is May 4 at 7:30!

So yay we are excited! Even more anxious for 7 weeks to hurry up and get here! :)

Below is Baby Smallwood, our precious blessing...ENJOY!

The first doctor visit! March 1st~!

Some background knowledge
 It took me forever to decide on what dr to use. Also, what hospital to have my baby at. As you all know living in Columbia, there are tons of choices. I finally decided to just use my regular Obgyn, and I would deliver at Palmetto Baptist....well...guess God had different plans. Because when I called to schedule my appointment they didn't have any openings until I was 10 weeks. I felt like that was too long to wait. So after talking to many of my pregnant friends, they said it was too long. So I called a new place Carolina Women's Physicians with Lexington Medical Center and they agreed to see me at 7 weeks 5 days! I was sooo excited! I didn't have to wait. And just so we know, I was going to cancel my appt at the other place, but right before I called, they called me to cancel because they were going to do a surgery that that means my 10 week appt would have been postponed even longer! So thank God I found a new Dr's office that saw me quickly and were way friendlier!!!! So yes, I do believe it's God's plan always not my plan!

On March 1st, we had our first dr's visit! We were soooo excited to go because I didn't feel pregnant. I wanted proof! My appointment was at 1 so I took a half day off from school and went to my appointment!

After getting all my paper work done, they took me back for my ultrasound! :) We got to see our little blob! It was priceless. Drew and I just looked at each other and smiled because well, we knew it was true! We were going to be parents! She told us the baby was measuring at 7 weeks 5 days, just a day shy of my own calcuations. The baby's heart rate was 160!

We then went into a waiting room where we watied to see my doctor. We waited for like 40 minutes before she finally saw us (there was an emergency she had to take care of). They did check my weight, got a urnine sample, and then I finally saw the Dr. She gave us our due date: October 13th, 2011! We were so excited. She then did a pap and got all my blood work done! It took forever but we finally made it out of there 2.5 hours later!

Below is our Baby Blessing's first ultrasound pics! We were so excited!!!!!!!!!!