Sunday, May 20, 2012

Summer Aspirations

I have lots of aspirations, goals, and things I want to do this summer! You think if I write them down I will get them done??? Haha... Probably not! But I gotta start somewhere!

So here's my TO DO list if you will... [warning: it's long, read at your own risk]

1. PLAN!~ I want to plan out my days to include prayer, fun AND relaxation with Raegan, exercise, meal planning, cleaning planning, couponing, professional development, etc... I believe all first steps should start with planning! If I can write it down make a list of it I can get started! Planning out is a HuGE task and will take me time to do, but i have hope! If I plan my day out that will hopefully help me get lots of things accomplished! We shall see because we all know plans don't always work out as we hoped... But then again if plan A doesn't work there's always plan B-Z :)

But anyway lots of lists to start with so...

The rest of these items are in NO PARTICULAR order! #1 has to be down first for all the other things to be done in MY opinion!

2. DECLUTTER this house!!! And I'm not talking about cleaning and reorganizing....I'm talking EVERY room and closet in this house... I'm talking about throwing lots and lots of stuff away and giving lots and lots to good will... And then cleaning and organizing what's left of it all! I so want to do this so bad!!! I have wanted to do this since moving in 3 years ago! Haha! All I have done is added to the crazy frenzy of stuff in this house! I thought that before Raegan was born I would accomplish that! But NOOO! I couldn't do it! And now I've been so busy with this crazy thing called life the house is in it's worse condition EVER! Ideally I would LoVE to take ONE week and hire a sitter to watch Raegan so I could knock this out in ONE week (you know pretend it's s normal "work" day and send Raegan off and pick her up at regular time... Sounds ideal??? but I just don't know if I'm willing to give up that time with Raegan... But I know if I don't do that then this could be a very long or even never ending project. But I'm OKAY with that too!) :)

3. ORGANIZE everything!!! ~ I have always loved baskets, bins, containers, storage boxes, the whole world of organizational resources just excite me till I could giggle!!! [yes you may giggle out-loud] I feel like much of the clutter in my house is due to the fact that every thing in this house doesn't have a home of it's own. Some of the things don't deserve a home [I mean really how much junk mail can one possibly pile on the kitchen counter, or in my case the front seat of my car????] but many of the things I do have need a place to call home rather a cute little basket for my gift wrapping tools or a bigger file cabinet for all my bills! Who knows??? I don't! Haha! I just want to TRY to find a real home for all the little things all over my house!!! And My OCD would be much happier if I find these things a home!

4. GET READY FOR THE NEW SCHOOL YEAR! ~ now this section can be broken up into many different bullets ....

a. I have always had dreams of starting my own teacher blog! I would love to start one but I just don't know if I will, but it's definitely something I aspire to do! :) I would love to do this!!! First Grade Parade blog [if you haven't checked her out do it] is my ultimate idol! I know I will never be as creative as her, but if nothing else I want my blog to be resources and links to other blogs that I site within my blog so I can find what I need to... If that makes sense?! :)

B. Organize all my teacher files rather on a flashdrive or website etc. I want to be able to say oh I'm teaching contractions this week here's a whole list of items I could do ... I just want my resources to be at my finger tips!

c. My school to do list: Of course I have a whole list of other things I Need/want/ have to do for school that i have already typed up and need to work on... Hehe

5. VACATION~ convincing Drew will be the hardest! He hates taking time off from work! But I sooo want to start making these memories as a family with Raegan. That's something I've always wanted to do and even more so now that we have a precious baby girl to share it with... I am thinking the beach somewhere... Hopefully I can convince Drew on this one!

I am sure there are a MILLION things I could add to this list. But these are things I WANT to get done! I know they won't all get done, but a Proverbs 31 wife can dream right???

Now if you noticed I didn't include Raegan in my lists! That's because she gets mommy 110% no matter what she needs or wants EVERY day! My summer will be solely devoted to my oh so sweet blessing, but again a Proverbs 31 wife has to start somewhere and honestly I think Raegan might just enjoy helping mommy with SOME of my lists! :)

But these are my dreams, my aspirations, my goals, my oh so big to do list! The first step is writing it down! They aren't unrealistic goals just time consuming goals! Who knows how long it will actually take me? But it doesn't matter at all... Gotta start somewhere and well my first step writing it down!

Wish me luck! :)

Monday, May 14, 2012

Wow it's been 2 months!

Well it's practically been 2 months since I posted on here! Crazy I know! But not all too surprising... Hehe

Raegan is growing so fast! She is 7.5 months old and just a complete ray of sunshine!

Yesterday we celebrated my 1st mothers day! Daddy and Raegan did good! I got two cards, roses, a necklace, and a membership to the zoo! I can't wait to take Raegan this summer! Not to mention a clean house and daddy cooked me a steak dinner with fudge brownies for dessert! It was terrific!

Yesterday at church we learned about how to prioritize our faith. Dr. Lincoln listed them in the following order

1. God and His Will
2. Marriage as Institution
3. Family-yours
4. Self/needs

I couldn't agree more with the order of those faiths in a family. You have to have God first in ALL that you do. Then your marriage in order, then your family, and yourself comes last.

I'm trying to do better with putting God first. Life sometimes can get in the way and I need to stop letting it. I'm trying to do better each day. It's something I strive for. Spending time with God is important for me to be that Proverbs 31 wife and mother and just to function with the realities of this crazy world. The world may not always put God first, but I certainly will try.

God is sooo good to us all!

Let's see news... (incase you don't fb)

1. My niece Rebecca Lynn was born May 3, 2012 at 6:39pm 6lbs 6 ozs 19.25 inches. I still can't believe my brother is a daddy!

2. Raegan learned to crawl on my birthday April 18th! She was 6.5 months old! The last two weeks she has enjoyed pulling up to standing position on us and things around her! She's just too stinkin cute!!! And ohhh how I love her!!!!

3. We only have 13 days of school left! I cannot wait to spend the summer with my sweet blessing. Ughh come on summer I am so antsy for you! :)

Well, this works for an update right? I post basically everything on Facebook soooo that's pretty key to why I hardly write on my blog....haha! I know I need to do better!!!