Sunday, July 3, 2011

our 5th drs visit (25 weeks)

This past Thursday Drew and I had our 5th  doctor's visit (25 week checkup). We didn't get an ultrasound or anything just a regular check up. We did get to hear the heartbeat which was cool. I love hearing our little baby girl! It's so exciting! I am going to plan to get a 3D/4D ultrasound here in the next few weeks. Just got to pick my date I want to go!

In 3 weeks I will have my glucose test which I am not looking forward to, but as long as i pass I am good! :) She said that after that she would be starting my two week appointments. I can't believe this pregnancy is going by so fast!

Last time I had went to the doctor at 20 weeks I still hadn't even felt Raegan move yet. And it the last 5 weeks I've felt her move inside, and got to feel her move on the outside, and even Drew got to feel her kick him! It's amazing how much she's been doing in my tummy these past few weeks!

Cant' believe in less than 15 weeks she will be here! It's crazy!

I've been feeling great. No complaints. One day last week while at the beach my feet did swell but it evenutally went down. And it's been harder to sleep at night. I keep waking up for my bathroom breaks, weird dreams, or I just can't get comfortable. Glad it's summer, because I know I would be irritable if I had to go to work the next day. But summer is half way over, sad it's coming to an end soon. :( I've enjoyed not doing anything! :)

But anway, just wanted to give a mini update on the Smallwoods! Hope you all are well!