Thursday, August 16, 2012

3:30 wake up call

Ohhh Raegan Grace!

It's now 4:45 and we are sitting here rocking. Mommy has to wake up in one hour to get ready for work and you are awake..

Mommy was so desperate for sleep I even tried letting you cry It out! GASPPPP!!! I know! So not me, but we all reach a breaking point. And I must say although I tried to win, you my dear prevailed and said watch this and continue to cry for over 45 mins while mommy listened to you get worse and worse before I couldn't take it any more and my thoughts were well it's been 45 mins and she's still going strong I'm NEVER getting any sleep! I could have already gone in calmed you down and been back to sleep myself and now here it is 45 mins later and the calming process hadn't even started yet. Soo needles to say here mommy is practicing the wait it out method now. You are in my arms still whimpering some but slowly falling back asleep. It must be those stupid teeth! Mommy is ready for this stage to be over! It sucks!!! Seriously! I do believe in part its partly attachment. But dang child you are so strong willed! 10 months old and kicking mommy's butt! Ha!

I know this too shall pass (I'm telling myself that). It's been a month or so more of this. At least tonight you got about 7 hours of sleep before waking up instead of your lately normal 2-3. So that's improvement right???

Oh sweet girl! It's now 5 am. Ohhh dear! I'm debating just staying up, but I doubt that shall be the case! Let's go lay you down and pray for rest! Good night my sweet blessing! I love you to the moon and back forever and always!



I'm asking for sleep. Sleep for my precious baby girl and sleep for me. Routines are changing now with school back in place and well we all need our rest. Help us Lord to get some much needed sleep. Ease Raegan's teething pain. And Lord if some of this is attachment help us both know how to overcome this little glitch in our sleep pattern!

Praying for sleep and rest in the Smallwood household!

In Your name I pray,

* and please no one comment about continuing the CIOM I don't want to hear it. I haven't given this hiccup to God, and well now I have. He will take care of us!

Monday, August 13, 2012

Raegan you are TOO cute!

Ohhh my sweet oh sooo sweet blessing!!!

Raegan Grace,

You are something else my child! This weekend we have had the pleasure of having your Granny, Pappy, and Nan here and honey you sure do know how to show off. You are sooo entertaining and had everyone laughing at you! I wish I could have caught more on video because it's just sooo stinkin cute!

You have this face you have been making. You will smile so big with your head tilted back, mouth wide open, cheeks up high, and eyes squinted! I swear it's the cutest sweetest funniest grin EVER!!! Also, Nan has been teaching you to bat those pretty little eye lashes of yours and you are even kinda picking that up! Uncle Skip would grunt and you would start grunting! I mean how funny is that??? You are such a little mimic! Haha! Now if I could just get you to say "momma"!!! Haha!

You are far too cute my sweet girl! I love you more than anything in this world and I would do anything for you! You make me smile and fill my life with so much joy it's overflowing!

Your perfect my sweet blessing! In every way! Don't EVER forget that! I don't know a single person that doesn't think so! You are such a blessing to those who know you!

I sure do hope you always have this happy spirit about you! It just lights up a room!

Well sweet baby girl, mommy should get some rest! I can't believe I only have three days left with you and summer break is over! Went by far TOO fast and I demand a redo or pause button or something! I love you to the moon and back forever and always my sweet blessing!


Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Love this blog entry

For all my teacher friends! Hopefully the link works if not copy and paste since I'm on my phone!

(I know I posted the link but I need it posted on my blog so I can refer back to later)

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

I guess summer is practically over

Dear Raegan Grace,

Well my sweet baby girl! Summer has pretty much come to an end. You start tomorrow with Jordan and you will go three days this week and three days next week before we start five days a week. This depresses your poor mommy! Although I am sure you will handle it far better than I will!

Mommy wishes I could stay at home with you. But We also don't want to struggle either. We want to be able to give to others and take care of each other. We are trying to work on paying off a few things around here so that becoming a domestic engineer may be in more plain sight in another year or so. We are just listening to God and whatever He says we are trying to do.

I love you more than anything in this world my sweet blessing! Just because I work doesn't mean I love you any less! It honestly means I cherish the time I do have with you even more. My time with you is precious! It's sacred time for me and you and I enjoy every second! I am very thankful I have a career that allows me to be with you during all holidays and have the summers off with you!

My job gives me an opportunity to show God's love! Growing up I loved school. It was my haven. Being a teacher now I hope my students love school and I hope I can provide a haven for them too. Being a teacher is hard work. I don't do for the money that's for sure. I do it for the outcome. The feeling I get knowing I left a footprint on a child's life. I hope that they will remember me for the love and care I gave them. And I try my best to teach them as much as I can along the way too! My job is hard, but so rewarding at the same time! I see God every day in what I do. And all I can do is pray that others can see God in me and that I can do His work every day!

One day, my sweet girl, you may find yourself balancing a career, a husband, and a family. I don't know what God's plans are for you my sweet baby girl but I do know those plans will be great! I cannot wait to see what paths God will have You take! But whatever you do your mommy here will support you 110%. Whatever you need you will always have my love!

I still can't believe you have to go off to Jordan's tomorrow! I'm hoping you won't cry because I know I will. And if you cry that will make it even harder to leave! Packing all your stuff tonight, laying your clothes out made my stomach tighten up. Made my eyes overflow with tears.

As I was sitting there writing my nightly prayer I heard you crying. I immediately came in to rock you back to sleep. A few extra snuggles from you my dear I certainly don't mind! Especially not tonight! Honestly I needed more snuggles from you! Actually give me time to write to you! Trying to soak you in every minute I can my sweet blessing!

Tomorrow, Raegan Grace know that when I drop you off I will be back to pick you up. I really hope you don't mind sharing me with my students. They need me (not that you don't) in different ways then you do right now (well they will in a few weeks in the meantime mommy is getting ready for them). You are my number one priority my sweet baby girl! Your needs will be met too! You will forever be my biggest and greatest gift from God! God gave you to me to enjoy and I guess as you are sharing me with my students I guess it's only fair for me to share you with the world! You are such a happy baby and I pray that when others see you they see God's blessings in you! I know I do and I cherish every bit of it! Guess its time again for us to share each other. Together we can do this! :)

I love you all the way to the moon and back forever and always!


Thursday, August 2, 2012

chick fil-a opinion because I can have one

My opinions on the whole controversary as if there aren't enough floating around...

I never could decide if I wanted to post it or not. But we ALL have a right to voice our opinion. So be it!

All I am going to say is I support Chick fil a...

Did I go eat there yesterday? No. Was it bought for me for an event and did I eat it? Yes.

Do I think Chick fil a has a right to stand and say what they believe? Yes.

Will I boycott chick fil a? No.

Do others have the right to boycott chick fil a? Yes.

Do I think companies like Target and Starbucks have a right to support gay marriage? Yes.

Will I boycott target and Starbucks because they support gay marriage??? NO!
(I means really people? me give up Target??? And coffee?)

Do I believe people have a right to have a voice and have a choice??? Yes

People are going to do what they want any way... It doesn't matter what others opinions are.

I have to answer to my God. And I want him to know I stand by His word. Do I fall short on living up to His word??? Yes. We all do, on a daily basis in many categories! But thankfully I am forgiven for my sins, You are too. As long as You accept Jesus as Your Savior. If you want to know more about Jesus ask me. I would be glad to share my story.

Do I have friends that believe differently than me??? Yes. Lots of them. But I respect them and they respect me. I'm not mean to them I don't boycott hanging out with them, having conversations with them. And they don't to me either. We agree to disagree. We have a mutual respect. God says love thy neighbor. I do.

We are never all going to agree on any issue rather gay marriage or taxes or whatever the issue may be. It's just not going to happen. EVER.

Everyone can say what they want, and believe what they want.

But I would hope that we can all have the integrity and heart to treat each other fairly (& i use that term loosely bc we all know fair is not equal: we all have different needs) and Not be disrespectful to anyone.

That is all.

And again if you want to know more about Jesus, ask me!

*no comments please (this is my opinion and my opinion only)

Carry on and be blessed!