Thursday, August 16, 2012

3:30 wake up call

Ohhh Raegan Grace!

It's now 4:45 and we are sitting here rocking. Mommy has to wake up in one hour to get ready for work and you are awake..

Mommy was so desperate for sleep I even tried letting you cry It out! GASPPPP!!! I know! So not me, but we all reach a breaking point. And I must say although I tried to win, you my dear prevailed and said watch this and continue to cry for over 45 mins while mommy listened to you get worse and worse before I couldn't take it any more and my thoughts were well it's been 45 mins and she's still going strong I'm NEVER getting any sleep! I could have already gone in calmed you down and been back to sleep myself and now here it is 45 mins later and the calming process hadn't even started yet. Soo needles to say here mommy is practicing the wait it out method now. You are in my arms still whimpering some but slowly falling back asleep. It must be those stupid teeth! Mommy is ready for this stage to be over! It sucks!!! Seriously! I do believe in part its partly attachment. But dang child you are so strong willed! 10 months old and kicking mommy's butt! Ha!

I know this too shall pass (I'm telling myself that). It's been a month or so more of this. At least tonight you got about 7 hours of sleep before waking up instead of your lately normal 2-3. So that's improvement right???

Oh sweet girl! It's now 5 am. Ohhh dear! I'm debating just staying up, but I doubt that shall be the case! Let's go lay you down and pray for rest! Good night my sweet blessing! I love you to the moon and back forever and always!



I'm asking for sleep. Sleep for my precious baby girl and sleep for me. Routines are changing now with school back in place and well we all need our rest. Help us Lord to get some much needed sleep. Ease Raegan's teething pain. And Lord if some of this is attachment help us both know how to overcome this little glitch in our sleep pattern!

Praying for sleep and rest in the Smallwood household!

In Your name I pray,

* and please no one comment about continuing the CIOM I don't want to hear it. I haven't given this hiccup to God, and well now I have. He will take care of us!

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