Monday, August 13, 2012

Raegan you are TOO cute!

Ohhh my sweet oh sooo sweet blessing!!!

Raegan Grace,

You are something else my child! This weekend we have had the pleasure of having your Granny, Pappy, and Nan here and honey you sure do know how to show off. You are sooo entertaining and had everyone laughing at you! I wish I could have caught more on video because it's just sooo stinkin cute!

You have this face you have been making. You will smile so big with your head tilted back, mouth wide open, cheeks up high, and eyes squinted! I swear it's the cutest sweetest funniest grin EVER!!! Also, Nan has been teaching you to bat those pretty little eye lashes of yours and you are even kinda picking that up! Uncle Skip would grunt and you would start grunting! I mean how funny is that??? You are such a little mimic! Haha! Now if I could just get you to say "momma"!!! Haha!

You are far too cute my sweet girl! I love you more than anything in this world and I would do anything for you! You make me smile and fill my life with so much joy it's overflowing!

Your perfect my sweet blessing! In every way! Don't EVER forget that! I don't know a single person that doesn't think so! You are such a blessing to those who know you!

I sure do hope you always have this happy spirit about you! It just lights up a room!

Well sweet baby girl, mommy should get some rest! I can't believe I only have three days left with you and summer break is over! Went by far TOO fast and I demand a redo or pause button or something! I love you to the moon and back forever and always my sweet blessing!


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