Saturday, July 28, 2012

Ohh Raegan

Hello my sweet baby girl!

Today you are 10 months old! I just cannot believe it! Oh where oh where did the time go??? I feel like I just had you and now here you go into double digits!!!

I am sooo very blessed to be your mommy! Every day I thank God that He picked me to be your mommy! You are everything I want and could ever ask for in having a baby! And all the glory goes to God!!!

The love I have for you will always be unconditional!

I can't believe in TWO months you will be ONE!!!! Crazy sooo crazy!!!!

There is still so much I need to do to prepare for your big celebration but I know it will fall into place! I keep going all over the place with your theme haha! But I will zone in and pick something and we will have the greatest party for you.

I love you Raegan Grace! Even If you have me up at all hours of the night (like you have for the past 3 nights in a row). It's been a struggle for sure! It's a good thing you smell sooo good! Hehe! And I have tried many things but I know this too shall pass. God will bring us both through it!

Well my sweet blessing now that you are back to sleep again let's see if you will let me lay you down so I can rest too...Fingers and toes crossed on this one! :)

Ohhh and the day you have your own baby call me. I will help you! :) sometimes you may need it (even if just listening to you or giving you a hug or words of encouragement ) and well I will be there because even when you have your own baby you will still always be my baby and I will do anything in the world for you no matter how old you are! You will never ever have to worry about not having me by your side! I will never leave you or forsake you! Neither will God! Remember that!

I love you Raegan Grace Smallwood to the moon and back forever and always!!!

Love your mommy!!!!

Oh by the way blogger always posts the wrong date and times it's actually 7-28-12 1am gotta check into that

Thursday, July 26, 2012

My big girl

Sooo it's a WIO (Wait it out) kind of night. Just before midnight I hear you crying... I try to wait it out (not to confuse this for the real wio method) for a few mins to see if you will fall back asleep but no not tonight.

So I come in here to get you and you settle right down as soon as I pick you up. I nurse you for a while and rock you in the glider. Your eyes are still wide awake but you find comfort in me holding you. And I smile knowing I am blessed to have you as my sweet blessing!

Because its cold in here I keep trying to wrap Grandma's quilt around us both (me more than you) but you kept pushing it away. You never have liked blankets very much. Maybe one day that will change but for now you seem nice and snug in your pjs! Don't worry mommy froze for you so you would be comfortable and I was okay with it I will wait it out! :)

But as I'm rocking you, you seem so BIG!!! Your legs hang over me now. Your head lays heavy against me. It's bittersweet. You're growing up so fast but I couldn't be prouder but at the same time I miss that little baby girl!

Just the other day you started walking! I couldn't believe it! 9 months (almost 10 months) old and walking to me! Crazy but sooo very exciting! Little Miss Independent! You are still wobbly and I imagine you will be for a good while! It's so cute to watch you with your hands out balancing your way around the house. You still crawl a good bit but you are definitely getting braver by the minute!

You truly are growing up fast! You have been wearing (well technically squeezing) in your 9 month pjs for weeks now so tonight I decided to try you in the 12 months pjs (I hadn't because they looked too big to fit you) and they fit! Ohhh girly, obviously mommy was in denial! Ha! They looked sooo long and I was like no way they will fit you. Daddy said the same thing when I showed him but girl were we wrong! Ohh sweet girl! Getting big on mommy! Babies sure do grow fast! I feel like I just had you! And now you are rounding the 10 month mark in just a few days!

We are still rocking by the way... Now after 1 am... Haha!!

But I probably didn't help matters I changed your diaper. But I worry because that rash came back and well I want you to be dry so it will heal. But while changing you you let me without fighting me and when I kissed your little belly you laughed out loud. So of course I did it again so I could hear your sweet laugh and you just smiled ear to ear. Sooo very sweet!

When we went back to the glider to rock you wanted down. In which you found the turner for the blinds (it fell off the other day when you made it haha) but now you are holding it in your hands while I nurse and rock you and I
write this post. Your such a silly girl!

I do hope you fall asleep again soon! Mommy is fine right now (well other than being cold and wanting that blanket on me! Not to self: grab a long sleeve shirt next time)! Just going to finish taking you in an enjoying the moment! Giving you exactly whatever it is that Raegan wants, which seems to just be mommy hold you time! Lucky me!!!

I love you my beautiful sweet blessing! All the way to the moon and back forever and always!!!

Love your very blessed mommy!

Monday, July 23, 2012

WIO The Wait it out method!!!

Sooo I was just about to fall asleep when I checked Facebook and my dear friend ReNee shared this wonderful blog entry! It brought me to tears!

I hope it links if it doesn't I will try to remember to go back and link it in the am, sorry only I'm on the iPad now.

But I don't need to write about how I feel... This describes my parenting to a t! I love it!!! Thanks for sharing this post ReNee!

God bless!

Friday, July 20, 2012

Don't call me crazy parent

Okay sooo for the last two weeks every time RG has to go #2 she crawls under the kitchen table and does her business...

Well the other day Skyping with Granny she said why don't you start potty training her and I was like ohhh no she's too young...

Well a few days later on pinterest I came across this article

(sorry if it doesn't link just copy and paste the article, I posted this from my phone not computer)

But anyway I was thinking WHY not buy a potty and have her sit on it from time to time... Why not when I know she's going potty tell her what she's doing and try sitting her on the potty... Is it going to hurt anything??? NOOo!!

I plan to keep her potty in our bathroom and when we go in there just say our potty, Raegan's potty. When she crawls under the table like she has been doing the last few weeks I plan to tell her what's she doing and place her on her potty ... Am I going to take her diaper off??? No... I'm just going to teach her where to go... Do I think this article is going to work and make it easier in a year or so when we do officially potty train? I hope so but my fingers aren't crossed! Lol!

So no I'm not potty training Raegan this early... Not doing anything other then exposing her to the potty and teaching her vocabulary so that as she gets older she may be successful when we do try potty training...

It's just practice what can it possibly hurt? :)

Enjoy these pictures of Raegan on her new potty I think she likes it! Lol!

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Raegan Grace!

RG woke up... I rocked her back to sleep, went to lay her back in her crib... She started crying... :( so back to the glider... Holding her ...admiring her beauty! My oh my is she growing up so fast! She is so stinking cute! I really could hold her all night (But we know I can't... ) my oh so sweet blessing takes up my whole lap now... I feel her every breath... Hear her talking in her sleep... Feel her soft skin...and her freshly brushed teeth.. (which by the way she LoVEs brushing her teeth! She smiles and giggles almost every time I put the tooth brush in her mouth). My oh my my baby is growing up! Taking her first step today (well technically yesterday)... Two steps total for the day! It's not full out walking but man is she on her way! ...

She's growing up and changing so fast all day long!!!! Sitting here looking at her brings tears to my eyes knowing in a few weeks im not going to have her all to myself! I've got to SHARE her! Ha! I'm not good at sharing her! I don't want to go back to work! I don't want to leave my sweet blessing! But one has got to do what one has got to do! Holding her now with her head on my chest!!!! Ohhh lOvE her!!!!

Oh I could write about Raegan all day long!

Okay may attempt to lay her down in a few mins...

Back to Raegan and mommy snuggles!!!

Friday, July 6, 2012

Summer thus far

Summer is basically half way over..

I'm not really sure how I feel about that statement. It's been so wonderful to have all this time with my sweet baby girl! She is such a blessing and I am enjoying every single minute with her! She is the sweetest happiest baby and I just love and adore her!

We haven't done a whole lot this summer... which really is kind of what you are suppose to do over summer right? I had/have lots of aspirations to get stuff done around my house, but it's proven to be a challenge with taking care of Raegan and trying to do everything else. It's not that I can't do both, I would just rather be on the floor playing with Raegan or napping when she does...haha!

We have hung out with lots of friends, have had some lunch dates and play dates, took Raegan to the zoo for the first time, went to Virginia for a weekend to visit my family, and went to Myrtle Beach for the 4th of July and took RG on the beach for the FIRST time. I'm trying to focus on the little things. To me relationships are important. The people in my life brighten my world, and the love they have for my family always makes me smile. To me my friends are my family, and even if I don't get to see them as often as I would like I am glad Raegan has this love in her life. After all, everyone adores babies, especially Raegan Grace! :)

I did get my organizational board made, and came up with some plans for getting stuff done around here, but that's about all... I just pass by my board and think oh man...I need to get on that... then I will hear Raegan laughing and playing, and I'm like oh let me see what sweet girl is doing, and off I go into Raegan land soaking up her every move.

Do I feel guilty I'm not really getting my house organized? NOPE! Not at all... the house is clean, it's not in a OCD kind of way organized that I want to remove all the clutter, but it certainly is presentable and functional. My baby is happy, my husband is happy, and I am happy..that's all that really matters isn't it? Of course it is!

I feel better with my lists, I know the planning part is done so if I ever get a free moment then all I have to do is pick something on my list to least I won't be stressing over that's all written... the hardest part is over! ha!

I haven't worked on a single thing for school yet. Honestly, school has been the furthest thing from my mind... Every summer before Raegan I use to dream up new activities to make and prepare for next school year. This summer, pinterest is about the closest thing I have done as far as preparing anything...haha! I know I need to do some things... but dang Raegan is way more fun then work, duh!

We have planned a mini vacation to go to Litchfield in the beginning of August. I am very excited about taking Raegan on her FIRST family vacation! I hope this is a tradition we will carry on for years to come!

I really have lots more I want to do over summer: would love to invest in a sewing machine (I am waiting though to buy one, till I am sure I can commit), love to get some stuff organized around here, figure out a work out plan, meal plan better, etc and work on some school stuff but we shall see...I'm just taking it one day at a time.

Currently, while Raegan is napping I have been productive TODAY! I paid a few bills, worked on some laundry, made a grocery lists so we can go to the store when RG wakes up, and right now just taking a little me moment by writing on my blog. I can be productive, today is just one of my greater Proverbs 31 days! haha!

Well, for now I guess I'm out of here, going to go fold some clothes (maybe put them away) before Raegan wakes up! Going to eat some lunch with Raegan (which she's eating big girl food now: table food) and then hit Hobby Lobby to buy some stuff to make her a Cow Appreciation outfit for next Friday, and then head to the grocery store. See I can be productive...till next time friends! :) Be blessed!