Thursday, January 10, 2013

sweet night!

Dear Raegan,

So Daddy was working late tonight so it was just me and you my sweet girl. After picking you up from Jordan's we went to the grocery store to get some things we needed. Every time I put a snack in the cart you would do the "more" sign. I think I made a mistake and took you shopping when you were hungry like mommy does all the time...whoops... But you were such a good girl. Patient throughout the whole store, starring down everyone that passed you and eyeing me every time I placed a new item in the shopping cart. You made me smile!

When we got home I was cooking us dinner. To hold you over I gave you blueberries in your cup. You kept bringing me your cup every few minutes so that I could give you a refill. You must have ate a quarter of the container. My little blueberry eater!

I was worried that when we ate dinner you wouldn't eat much since you had so many blueberries, but you ate two helpings of the chicken alfredo I made and a whole cup of milk. You must have been hungry my dear!

While you finished up dinner you gave mommy time to do the dishes and then we got to play together. You let me chase you around and you would stop in the middle of your run to see if I was really coming to get you and then off you would go just laughing and laughing your oh so sweet laugh. 

We sat on the floor together and we did some puzzles. You are so cute the way you set the puzzle in your lap and sit their with your feet all sticking out and working hard to complete your puzzles. Your focus makes me smile.

While sitting on the floor it was obvious you needed a diaper change. I asked you and you patted your diaper so we went to your room to change you. While I had you on the changing table you were getting antsy so I handed you a wipe to hold. You took that wipe and tried to clean your bottom...OHHHH MY!!! And yest that's TMI, but ohhh how it made me laugh out loud.

Instead of putting a new diaper on you I thought it was best to go ahead and give you a bath. I lifted you down from the changing table and you ran naked to the bathroom and stood there banging your hands on the  edge of the tub. It was sooo funny as you waited anxiously for me to put you in the tub. You played so sweetly as you always do in the tub. After I cleaned your face you took the wash cloth and clean the frog's face (our faucet cover). You then took the wash cloth and smoothed it out over the edge of the tub as if you were laying it out to dry. Such a big girl and so observant you are my dear.

After your bath, I got you dress in your pjs. Daddy called to tell us he was on the way home and that he wanted me to keep you up till he got home so he could give you love. So I sat in your glider and you took over your room. In the nightstand, you found a purple crayon and you were looking for something to write on so I found an envelope and you sat there coloring on it until daddy came home. When I heard the garage open, I said "Daddy's home" you looked at me said "daddy??" and ran out your bedroom to await your daddy at the door. It was sooo cute! Daddy played with you for a while. Y'all played chase, and he would lift you up and tickle you over and over. You were loving every minute of it. 

After a while, Daddy handed you back to me for me to rock you to sleep. You started to cry when Daddy walked away. So he came back in the room, picked you up gave you some more kisses and he handed you back to me... As soon as he did that you must have been content because you laid your head on my shoulder. We rocked for a little while with your sweet head on my shoulder. I was soaking up every minute cuddling with you!

Then I got up, sat you in your crib. You laid down. I put the blanket around you, tucking you in, then leaned down as far as I could in the crib, and kissed your forhead good night. It's probably one of my favorite memories thus far. It was the first time you ever let me do all that. Last night, was the first time you laid down and let me cover you and tuck you in, but tonight, I got so many kisses in as I tucked you in, and I loved every minute of it.

You are growing up my sweet blessing. . 

I really needed such a perfect night with you Raegan Grace. Today, I was missing you so much at work! I was so anxious to leave work. Mrs. Jordan was very sweet and text me two sweet pictures of you! It really made me feel so much better seeing your sweet face.

So thank you my sweet girl. Thank you for filling my life with so much love and joy!

I love you all the way to the moon and back forever and always!


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