Mommy did it!!!! I sooo soooo did it!!! I survived my first week back!!!!Yay for the weekend being here!!! I am soooo glad to have my first week back at work behind me!!! I am looking forward to spending as much time possible loving all over you my sweet girl this entire weekend!!!
Mommy is so proud of you for doing such a great job at Tracey's this week!!! I will forever be thankful for God putting her in our lives!!!! She really does a great job with you!!!! I am so thankful she is patient, kind, and loving!!!! And she is sooo good to mommy too! I love how she texts me pictures at work so I can see your beautiful sweet face!!! Oh how I just light up when I get a new picture or text about you! You did a great job with the bottle again today!!! You drank two 4 ounce bottles and drank about 3.5 ounces of your third before falling asleep. Mommy is sooo proud and thankful you are taking a bottle!!! Tommee tippee bottles are expensive taste little girl, but you are oh sooo worth it and sooooooo much more! I am just thankful you are taking a bottle when mommy is away!
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Tracey and Raegan |
Here are some pictures of the scrapbook! I can't wait to go print some photos so I can add your beautiful face to the beautiful scrapbook! :)
Well baby girl you've been nursing/sleeping for an hour now it's time for me to enjoy all your snuggles! I love you my sweet sweet blessing all the way to the moon and back!
Love always and forever
(after dinner while rocking RG to sleep)
Back at work
This week was tough I'm not gonna lie. It was not as hard as I had anticipated though. The hardest part at first was leaving her, but that was quickly changed by the hardest part being how much I was missing about her. Fir example, on Wednesday morning Drew told me how he carried RG to the changing table and how when he unswaddled her, her arms when poof and stuck straight up in the air while still asleep. It made me cry when he told me because I could remember the many of mornings needing her to wake before she actually did and the way her arms would do that half asleep. I loved when she did that.
That's been the hardest, missing all the little things that make life everything; waking up to her smiling face, her arms going poof when unswaddled, putting her in the bouncer and watching her smile when I towel dried my hair, listening to her really laugh for the first time, playing with her, heck even changing her diaper (she is so happy and always laughs and kicks her legs when changed her), nursing her, rocking her, watching tv, pj days, tummy time, putting her baby lotion on in the morning and smelling her sweet scent, listening to her heart beat against my chest, her big smile, the way she hides her face in me, the way she brings her hands up to her face when she gets excited, her little eyebrows moving all around, how her eyes got really small when she smiled because of her precious cheeks, just talking to her, kissing on her, and soooo much more! I miss our days soooo much!
Drew has been really good throughout the week. Today when he came home from work he was like are you excited??? Are you excited it's the weekend because now you don't have to miss her. And I smiled but buried my head in his chest because I did miss her and was sooo glad I will be able to spend ALL day with her tomorrow! he took me in his arms and said "let me talk to you like I talk to Raegan... You're sooooo sweet, you're the sweetest mommyyyyy in the whole world! I loveeeeee youuuuuu!!!!!" oh how it melted my heart and made me cry tears of joy. I love my husband! He picks me up right when I need him too! I love my life! God has blessed me beyond my wildest dreams!
Work work
Back at school it's hard. Because I did get changed from kindergarten to first grade this past year. I honestly don't know how I feel about first grade yet. I do love my kids but coming back from maternity leave I feel kind of loss. I don't exactly know where my kids are and I feel like I don't know all that I need to know about teaching first grade. Kind of makes me feel like a first year teacher but worse by starting in the middle of the year. I'm just taking it all in trying to do what I know best. I am working on assessing my kids so I know where to go from there. Trying to find time to get everything done for work is going to be a challenge. I want to be an expert at what I do, a master at my job. I've got to find a way to living a balanced life because being a great mom and being a great teacher both take a tremendous amount of time! Praying that God helps me achieve all that He wants me to! "I can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens me!"
Jennifer, that scrapbook is gorgeous! What a wonderful, thoughtful gift! If only scrapbooking were as easy as just printing off pictures and putting them in the book. I'm so jealous. I love a scrapbook, but find it takes way more time (and money) than I have- so the blog to book is what I do! :) I'm sure you'll cherish that gift forever, and RG will cherish it after you! Wow. Beautiful.