Sunday, December 5, 2010

So I finally made one!

Hello Bloggers and Readers!

I have been reading blogs for quite some time now and I have been planning the creation of my blog in my head for so long now! :) My plan was to start a blog once Drew and I became pregnant so that I could track our new life together, but I decided I would start a blog before then. So no...we are not pregnant at this time :) hehe. Sorry to get your hopes up. But the good news is we are trying. Well, I guess we are not officially trying, but we are not not trying. If that makes any sense. Hehe. Our plan is to get pregnant in February or March, so we are all ready beginning the steps in making that happen. But of course, whatever God's will and plan is that is what will be done! So please pray for us during this time and the plan God has for us!

Most of you know that Drew and I have always had a plan since dating in high school.

1. Finish College May 2008
2. Get Married June 21, 2008 (our 5 year dating anniversary)
3. Get pregnant in Summer 2011 (yes seriously, it was that detailed for the pregnancy, haha, I wanted to be pregnant during my 4th year of teaching and have the baby Spring 2012, so that if I chose to stay home after working off Teaching Fellows I could)

But we all know what our plan is, is not always God's Plan. We did both graduate May 2008. But instead of getting married June 21, 2008 we got married March 8, 2008. Which was a blessing in disguise. I actually got Bells Palsy the Summer of 2008, so that would have been an awful wedding. My dear friend Janet, did get married on that date though, so although I was a messed up smile bridesmaid, at least I wasn't a messed up smile Bride. :) God's plan is God's plan for a reason. I don't question it. So anyway, we have been praying to God about when to start a family, and lately God has been pressing on our hearts to not wait till Summer to try, but to begin trying earlier. So that's what we are going to do. Let God's Will be done. If we get pregnant before Summer we do, if we don't then well, we just keep trying until God's perfect timing.

But I figured I might as well start blogging now, so I could work out some of the kinks of learning to blog and actually began blogging at the start of us trying for a family! :) Might as well start at the beginning when all the thoughts are coming! :)

I am not sure how good I will be at blogging, but I sure am going to try! I love reading everyone elses' blogs so I figured if I could read it, I could write it! :)

So wish me luck on my new blogging experience and I'll try my best to keep ya updated on The Smallwoods! :)

*Oh and if you have tips on helping me create a more appealing blog, please let me know, like I said I am learning, I need a new template, and have no idea, why I have white background behind my writing. So please feel free to help me and give me some great suggestions! Love you all!!!


  1. Love the blog Jen! I am so happy for you and Drew, got a little teary eyed reading it :) I wish you the best and can't wait to be a grandma! Love you.

  2. Thanks Lisa! We truly can't wait to see what God's plan is for us! Love you too!!!
