Monday, September 30, 2013

First day of preschool

Dear Raegan Grace,

This morning I woke up in a panic! I slept 30 mins past 5 alarms and was running late to get out the house! I stayed up way too late making a frame for you to hold for your first day of preschool! Haha, mommy problems!

Somehow your daddy and I managed to snap a few pictures and out the door we went headed to preschool!

When we got inside your teacher was waiting for you in the early bird room. You wouldn't let go of me but watched all the other kids play. I sat on the floor with you and you held my hand with one hand and played with a toy car with the other hand while your teacher, Ms. Cathy and I talked. When I told you it was time for momma to go you clung on to me for dear life. Ms. Cathy asked you if you wanted to see the fish and I walked you over to the fish tank where Ms. Cathy took your hand and mommy and daddy said a quick good bye and we walked out the door. 

When we got outside we could see you through the window and you were holding Ms. Cathy's hand walking around the room. I started crying and your daddy held me in his arms and reassured me you would be fine. And off to work we both went.

A few hours into work I was wondering how you were doing so I called Chesterbrook and they transferred me to the principle who assured me she checked on you several times already and you were happily playing and doing just fine. She got my cell number and told me she would have your teacher call me later. About 5 mins later she actually text me a pic of you playing at recess. And then two mins later she text me a pic of you and Landon playing together with the caption BFFs! She told me y'all were so happy to see each other on the playground!

After lunch Ms. Cathy called me and assured me you were fitting right in and having a wonderful day. She told me you didn't eat much lunch but were now laying on the cot ready for a nap. Not sleeping but laying there quietly! 

Around 3pm I text the principle how you did for nap and 5 mins later Ms. Cathy called me and told me you slept for an hour and half and after you woke up you laid on the cot until you were told to get up. She told me you had a perfect first day and that she couldn't have imagined it going any better and that she was so proud of you. I was so happy and relieved my sweet girl!

When I got there to pick you up you were sitting in a chair playing with a toy. When you saw me you just sat there and when I  kneeled down beside you you gave me a big hug! Melt momma's heart! I asked you if you were ready to go and you got up and got your backpack and after talking to your other teacher about your awesome day we walked hand in hand out the door with you carrying your backpack! 

When we got home we played outside with daddy for a while, Skyped with granny, and rode your tricycle! We ate dinner, gave you a bath, and you were in bed and asleep before 8pm! Such a big day you had my love!

It was such a relief to have you do so well today! Mommy & daddy are so proud of you! And so happy you love your new class! I will be praying for this transition to be just as easy as today was! Keep up the great work!

I love you my sweet blessing! Such a big girl you are!

Love always and forever,

1 comment:

  1. Tears...oh the tears...what a beautiful, perfect first day for her!! and for you:) I'm so sad she's growing up, it makes me sad to think I'll have to do this with Lucas, and he's not even here. But it makes them better and it's all for them; she's got the best parents ever and boy is she blessed:) I love you friend and you Miss RG:)
