Friday, October 19, 2012

Perfect night!

Dear Raegan Grace,

It's sooo good to have my sweet baby girl back to your normal happy self after battling an ear infection for the last two weeks!

You still have a good bit of a cough, and a really runny nose, but your spirits are much happier which means mommy is much happier!

I hated to see you so miserable these last few weeks!

Tonight, when we got home you just roamed the house! Digging in boxes, pulling out toys. You were running around in the kitchen just circling the table and laughing. It was so cute. While, I was cooking dinner I just listened to you play with a huge smile on my face. You were babbling about this and that. Every time you do that it makes my mind wonder about what you really are saying! Lol!

I then sat myself in the middle of the kitchen floor so I could watch you play on your level and you continued babbling and circling me. You would take little breaks and come sit on my lap and lay your sweet head against me (only a few seconds, but enough to let me know you loved me and missed me). Basically, melting my heart and warming it with sooo much sweetness!

At one point when you took a break sitting in my lap, Jackson came over and started licking your face as you tilted your head back and your hair flopped back and forth as I held you in my arms. You just laughed and laughed as Jackson gave you doggy smooches!

As I watched You play in the kitchen my heart overfilled with joy. I took in every second of watching you take joy in the simple things in life.

We also opened a present from granny, two adorable hats: one cute sock monkey hat and one owl hat! The first picture you let me take was beyond precious as you smiled with all your cheeks! You walked around the house for a good 5-10 mins until I put the owl hat on you then you just sat there taking the hat on and off! Lol!

While skyping with Granny you would blow rasberries every time Granny did it and it was sooo funny! You even climbed up on the car Pops got you and pushed your little feet against the floor to make it go. You literally did not stop smiling the whole time you sat on your car. You even sat on your pony too and bobbed your head up and down to the tune of my little pony! You really were sooo cute! God is sooo good to me to bless me with such a beautiful sweet blessing! I am still in awe at just how blessed I am!

Tonight, was a perfect night for you Raegan. A night that was so simple yet such a beautiful memory in my mind and heart! You are absolutely perfect and I love you with all my heart!

Thank you my sweet blessing for filling my heart with so much love!

I love you to the moon and back forever and always!

Love, mommy!

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