Tuesday, January 3, 2012

My busy first gonna be typical day back!

Let's see my day started at 530am (230am if you count my middle of the night feeding). I woke up, pumped, washed all my pumping stuff, showered, got dressed and ready for work, packed my lunch, and was about to leave for work when Raegan started crying. So I feed her and laid her back down, she cried some more, feed a but more until she fell asleep again and then I woke Drew up to give him the run down on Raegan (clothes all laid out, blanket for carseat, diaper bag packed and ready, not forgetting her cooler with her bottles ready to go, etc). Then I cried in his arms for a few minutes of the heartbreak of leaving my sweet girl and out the door I went carrying my own lunch box, school bag, and breast pump tote all before 650 am (my goal was to leave my house at 630 am, ha, close)

Then I drove to school and parked. Walked to my classroom turned on my computer to finish my newsletter and finish setting up for the day. Katie came in to wish me luck and gave me a present. I waited for her to leave and something told me to open it. Inside was the sweetest gift for RG, a new children's bible so that of course made me cry and I chased her down the hall to thank her and I cried in her arms.

I go back to my classroom and then Angela and Teri walk in. Following suit was Fran and Marles and we formed our circle. Angela began praying over us, our students, the new year, me leaving RG, etc. I broke down in tears again in the middle of our prayer circle.

We say our goodbyes and good lucks and I welcome my kiddos into my classroom with open arms. We share new news, practice procedures, and head to lunch. After dropping the kids off I head back to pump, drop off my milk in the fridge and head back to the cafeteria to get my kids. We go back to the classroom set our new years resolutions, and then I take my kids to related arts and I finally sit down to eat my own lunch. I grab some papers and head to the work room to make some copies of stuff I need, go pump again and then head to pick my kiddos up gain and we partake in indoor recess. The end of the "work" day is here as I finally finish up my bus duty and I turn off my classroom and head straight to the door. The work day of course included several texts to Tracey checking on my sweet girl. All of this done by 3:15 in the afternoon.

I get in my car and drive the 30 mins to Tracey's to pick up my sweet girl who I missed ohhh so much! I hug and kiss on my sweet girl and met the father of the three year old who Tracey also keeps. I then nurse RG and talk with Tracey about RG's day. I then pack RG in the carseat and we head home.

We get home at like 445pm and I began making dinner while playing and loving on RG and feeding her and changing her. We eat dinner while RG nurses and then we play with her some more and then head to the bathroom to give her a bath. We start our bedtime routine and I read her 3 bible stories and goodnight Moon and then I swaddle her and have been rocking her for the past 30 mins as I type this blog out all by 8pm.

I am now going to go lay her in our bed and began tackling the rest of the work...that is if she let's me put her down. I must do the dishes, make her bottles, wash the entire sink full of bottles, pack her cooler and diaper bag (with gas drops, forgot those today), and set her clothes out. And I would like to work on some of my to do list for work and of course go to bed at a decent hour (yea right). Haha.... How is this for a day???

Working mom is an understatement! Multiply this times 5 days a week, add in the weekends and add in lots of laundry, house cleaning, grocery shopping, etc. Whew! I'm exhausted thinking about it! But this is my life and I love it regardless. God blessed me with my sweet beautiful baby girl, a great job, and wonderful family and friends. I'd like to say I'm on my way to becoming that Proverbs 31 woman on my new years resolutions list.

Oh and sometime tonight I will add pictures and a short video that was taken of RG at Tracey's today to this blog and will repost on Facebook! Hehe!

On to my third job at 8:18pm! :)

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