Sunday, January 1, 2012



I cannot believe it is already 2012! Boy oh boy did 2011 fly by! It was an amazing year filled with many blessings and I hope 2012 will bring just as much joy and love! I am very excited about watching our sweet blessing grow up!

Every New Years its typical to make New Years Resolutions, so I thought before I wrote my 2012 resolutions I should look at 2011 goals and see how many I actually met! Because I am sure I will need to keep some of my 2011 goals in 2012. Hehe!

Last year in 2011 I wanted to...(what's in PINK is 2011 goals, BLUE is new 2012 goals)

1) God, I would really like to grow my relationship with You. I am not always faithful on my Daily Bible Reading, and I know I need to get better with that. God, please help me to do that. Help me to get up earlier, or stay up later so I can have that precious time in with you. I want to do better, I need to do better. Thank you God.

I do believe my relationship grew with You God, but I still need to do better. Especially with my Daily Bible Reading!  I will keep this as a 2012 goal as well! :)

2) Sometime in 2011, Drew and I would really really love to get PREGNANT! :) Yay! God, please bless us with a healthy pregnancy and baby! Our fingers are crossed that by the end of 2011 we may be holding (or at least pregnant) with a precious baby of our own, that we may share You with Oh God.

This resolution was met!!!!!! We got pregnant and had our first baby all in the same year! I can't imagine not having our sweet baby girl! I am so thankful God for our sweet blessing! She was the greatest gift we got!!!

3) God, I pray for the last half of my third year teaching that I can really step it up. I want my students to have the best last half of the year possible. I pray God that you will open their minds and help me meet their needs academically, socially, and emotionally. Help me on days God that I feel like I am overwhelmed and/or at lost. Help me to make a difference in their lives and prepare them for first grade. Help my students God to be obedient, kind, caring, and loving towards one another Lord God. Help my parents and I to have the best relationship possible to help their child grow and be successful! God help my little ones to see You in me. Help me to be all of the fruits of the spirit with my precious students.

I pray this year God that I will get my first graders ready for second grade! I cannot believe I am finishing up my fourth year teaching. With me being out on maternity leave I pray that they are on track and we will continue to grow and learn the remainder of the school year! They are my sweet children and I pray that in 2012 I can be the BEST teacher I can be!

4) God, I pray for our poor backyard. It needs help. We've been "working" on a patio for quite some time now, and I really would love to have that area done so that we can actually use it to entertain.

Yay! Another goal met from 2011! We finally finished out patio thanks to my father-in-law! YAY!

5) God, I also pray that you will continue to surround me by so many wonderful people! My friends and family mean the world to me and I so glad each one is a part of my life. Please watch over us all and help us to have a very safe and Happy New Year!
GOAL MET in 2011, KEEP GOAL for 2012!

6) God, I pray that I will be a little less facebook addicted. Haha...I am quite obsessed since getting it on my phone. When Drew and I do have a baby, I know I will decrease my use some, but probably upload more pics! Hehe! :)
HAHA, still Facebook addict! But its all about my sweet blessing Raegan Grace now!!!!! And all my friends' beautiful babies!!! I don't consider this a goal anymore, LOL! It's unrealistic for me to stop...hehe!

7) God, I pray that you will watch over Drew and I. Help us to make good sound discussions when it comes to all that we do. Help us do well in our careers, our relationships, our health, our finances, etc.
KEEP GOAL for 2012 too! Good one to have every year! Except of course I want to add in watching over our sweet baby girl Raegan Grace! I pray that Drew and I will be the BEST mommy and daddy Raegan could EVER have and that we raise her up in a Godly home!

In 2012 in additon to what's already said above I want to...

1)Lose 20 lbs! I want to be at least pre baby weight if not better! I pray God that I can create and stick to a diet and excersise program!

2) Be the best Mommy and wife to my sweet family! God help me to be Proverbs 31 woman! Help me to be the woman my husband deserves and the mother Raegan deserves to have.

3) Pay off debt. I would love to be able to be a stay at home mommy ONE DAY! It may not happen next year or the next, but I know if we can work on some of our debt we will be in a better situation to make a sound decision. I plan to read Dave Ramsey's book and create a plan with my sweet husband. Because even if I keep working, it still would be nice to pay off debt and save more! God help us to be discplined in our finanicial plans!

4) I pray God that I will also find a balance between home and work. I want to be the best mommy and wife in the world to my sweet family, BUT I also want to be the best teacher I can possibly be. Finding balance between the two is going to be hard for me God, so help me draw the line, and do a great job at home and at work!

5) For years, Drew and I have said we need to create a meal plan. We always ponder over what to cook every night  and we end up wasting so much time just figuring out what to eat. I pray God that we will sit down together and actually come up with some delicious healthy meals for our family and stick to the plan.

6) I also want to update my blog at least once a month! And make-up 3 postings from the past 3 months since Raegan has been born!

I think these are pretty good for the year! There's plenty to work on! Hopefully I will accomplish many of them!

God, I pray these resolutions/goals to you Lord God, because You are the Creator! You are my All In All! I pray to You God. I worship to You. And I thank you for all my 2011 goals that were met and all my 2012 goals in advance. You are an AWESOME God!

In Your name I pray, AMEN!

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