Monday, January 16, 2012

3 day weekend

I'm finishing up my 3 day weekend rocking my sweet girl to sleep. We've had a busy yet relaxing 3 days together!

Saturday Aunt Tracy came over and spent some time with us! And then uncle Patrick helped us take down all the Christmas decor down and cleaned out the garage so I can park my car in there again! Then we grilled steaks out with Pops.

On Sunday Megahn Ray came over and took Raegan's 3 month pictures! She posted 4 sneak peek pictures on her fb page! They are too precious and I cant wait to see the rest of them! Megahn Ray Photography does such an awesome job! I love Megahn's work! She's got true talent!

After pictures we went to Katie's house for lunch and our October moms play date. This time the dads joined us! It was a lot of fun! All the babies are getting so big!

Of all 5 babies Raegan is the only one who can't roll over yet. She can on the couch but not on the floor. Last night as I reflected on it it kind of concerned me but once I googled developmental milestones it didn't bother me any more! Yes, google finally worked in my favor! Lol! But it said most babies don't roll over until they are 4-5 months and that some babies even skip rolling over. So that made me feel better! Drew and I talked about it too and he said it's because we don't put her down much! Which is true, and if it takes her longer then so be it! I don't get to spend all my time with her so if I want to hold her I will! We do get on the floor with her several times a day for tummy time but she always gets fussy after 5 -10 minutes. She seems the most content just pushing up and holding her head up and looking around she kicks her legs a good bit though for sure! So she may just go straight to crawling lol! Who knows! But she has excellent head control, a strong grip, loves putting stuff in her mouth, she's picked up some toys on her own she seems to do that when we aren't looking, lol, she loves watching tv or us cooking, she smiles more than any baby I have ever seen, laughs outloud, and talks and coos more than any baby that I know of! She's absolutely perfect in every way!

But anyway...

Today Raegan and I lounged around all day just enjoying each other! I even joined her for 2 of her naps! Drew even brought me pink roses home! He's such a good husband! I cooked dinner and then we started our bedtime routine! Oh and I must say that Drew always helps me give Raegan a bath! There's only been two times that he didn't help. I love that's it's something we do for Raegan together!

I put her down around 8 but she woke up crying so we are rocking again. It's okay with me because well I don't want to go clean or do laundry anyway! Lol!

I've been sad today because I don't want to leave RG for another week of work! She's just soooo sweet and adorable! She melts my heart with everything that she does! There's nothing better than the love I have for my little family! We are so blessed and I am soooo thankful to God!

Well my sweet blessing is sound asleep again gonna attempt to go get the rest of my work done! :)

* oh and I plan to add pics in the right order and add some more other pics to this but when I'm on on the iPad it doesn't add like they do on the computer! Oh well here's a few pics! Not sure how they will post using this app but I will go back and fix them when I get a chance!

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